Senin, 13 Mei 2013

Cerpen Cinta Pertama

"rio .. turun nak" teriak bunda dari ruang tamu.

"ada apa sih bun ??" teriak rio dari dalam kamar.

"udah kamu buruan kesinii" jawab bunda.

Rio pun keluar kamar dengan malas-malasan, "kenapa sih bun ?? Rio tuh ca..." kata-kata rio terputus ketika melihat seorang gadis cantik tengah duduk di sofa. Saat dia melihat rio, dia melemparkan senyum yang sudah lama tak ku lihat. Seketika itu rasa cape rio hilang. Rio tersenyum.

"Ify??" kata rio tak percaya saat melihat seorang yang sangat rio sayangi. Seorang yang telah ditunggu rio selama 3tahun.

Cinta pertama rio.

"hy yo" sapa gadis itu yang ternyata bernama Ify

"bunda tinggal dulu ya Ify" kata bunda lalu pergi meninggalkan rio & ify.

Rio berlari menuju arah ify lalu memeluknya.

"Ifffyyyy kapan lo pulang?? gue kangeeen banget sm lo" 3tahun lalu Ify pergi ke singapura untuk berobat tapi rio juga tak tau apa penyakitnya.

"aduh..sakit yo" rintih ify kesakitan karena pelukan rio yang kencang,

"eh sorry fy, abisnya gue kangen banget sama lo" kata rio sambil tersenyum memandang wajah ify.

"haha biasa aja kali yo, gue tau kalo gue tuh ngangenin" kata ify sambil tertawa lepas.

"ih dasar .." kata rio sambil mengacak acak rambutnya

Skip aja yaah...

+++++++++++ keesokan harinya

Rio mengajak ify pergi ke taman, tempat favorit mereka dulu.

"gue gak nyangka lo akan bawa gue kesini lagi" kata ify.

"emang kenapa ?? lo gak suka gue bawa ke sini??" tanya rio penuh curiga.

"eh bukan gitu, gue seneng kok, seneng banget malah" kata ify sambil tersenyum manis.

'apa aku bisa terus sama kamu ? apa aku bisa terus liat senyum kamu itu fy?' batin rio.

Rio memegang tangan ify dan rio bisa melihat raut wajahnya yang berubah menjadi kaget, perlahan wajahnya mulai memerah. Rio tersenyum kecil.

"3tahun gue nunggu fy, dan gue pengen ngomong sesuatu sama lo sebelum semua terlambat" rio melihat raut keheranan di wajah ify, orang yang rio sayang.

"ngomong apaan ??" tanya ify penasaran. Rio tersenyum lembut pada ify dan tetap memegang erat tangan ify.

"apa lo tau perasaan gue selama ini ke lo??"

Ify menatapku tak mengerti. Rio pun melanjutkan perkataannya "gue sayang sama lo ify, sayaaaanggg banget..apa lo gatau ?? apa sikap gue selama ini belom bisa nunjukin bahwa gue sayang sama lo ??" kata rio mengungkapkan perasaannya pada ify. Ify semakin tak mengerti

"lo nembak gue ??" tanya ify penuh rasa heran. Rio tersenyum untuk menjawab pertanyaannya yang berarti 'iya'

"hmm..gue pikir pikir dulu boleh ga ??" tanya ify.

"boleh, tapi jangan lama lama ya, ntar gue keburu pergi" kata rio.

"pergi ?? lo mau kemanaa ?? mau pindah ??" tanya ify dengan raut wajah sedih.

"bukan .. udah lo gak perlu tau. pokoknya gue tunggu jawaban dari lo" kata rio menjelaskan.

Suasana sepi beberapa saat, suara hp ify membuyarkan suasana sepi.

"halo ??" ify mengangkat telfonnya "yah, ntar dulu deh maa .... ih iyadeh aku pulang sekarang" ify menutup telfonnya.

Sambil mendesah kecil ify berkata "huh..anterin gue pulang yo" rio menatapnya heran.

"hoh kenapa ?? baru juga bentar" tanya rio pada ify.

"tapi gue disuruh pulang" kata ify dengan wajah cemberut

"oohh..iyadeh gue anter. tapi jangan lupa sama jawaban lo ya" kata rio mengingatkan ify.

"siap bos" kata ify sambil tertawa lepas.

'apa aku bisa ninggalin kamu fy ?? apa aku bisa liat kamu sedih kalo aku ninggalin kamu nanti ??' batin rio.

Rio menggandeng tangan ify menuju motornya dan mengantar ify pulang.



Rio gelisah, sudah seminggu tak ada kabar dari ify. Seminggu setelah hari dimana rio menyatakan cinta padanya. Apa dia lupa sama rio ?? Atau dia kembali lagi ke singapura ?? Lalu bagaimana dengan jawaban dari pertanyaan rio ??

Tiba tiba kepala rio terasa pusing, darah segar menetes dari hidungnya. 'Oh Tuhan mengapa penyakitku semakin parah sajaa..' batin rio.

Rio membuka lagi map merah pemberian dokter tadi siang. Kangker otak stadium akhir.Rio melap hidungnya dengan tangan, lalu mengambil motor dan segera melaju kerumah ify.

Setelah rio sampai, rio melihat ramai sekali rumahnya. Rio turun dan mulai melangkah menuju halaman rumah ify. 'kenapa semua menangis ?? ada apa ini' pikir rio.

Saat aku memasuki rumah ify, betapa kagetnya rio melihat sosok seorang yang rio sayangi terbaring lemas tak bernyawa. Air mata rio pun mengalir membasahi pipinya.

"Iffyyyyyyy..."tangis rio pecah, rio tak bisa menahan air matanya lagi. Rio terpukul, rio tak bisa menerima kenyataan.

Dari dalam rio melihat acha, adik ify keluar menghampiri rio. Dia memberikan surat pada rio. Segera rio membuka surat itu, apa isi surat itu.

Dear rio,

Maafin gue ya, gue harus pergi ninggalin lo.Maaf selama ini gue ga cerita tentang penyakit gue ke lo, gue cuma ga pengen liat lo sedih.Maaf gue ga bisa habisin saat terakhir gue sama lo, gue yakin lo bisa tanpa gue.

Lo mau tau ga jawaban gue ?? gue mau yo, gue juga sayang sama lo. Udah lama gue nunggu lo nyatain cinta ke gue. Tapi kenapa baru sekarang ??

Gue sayang sama lo yo, tetep senyum ya pangerankuu ..

I love u forever

byee ...

Tangis rio semakin kencang, rio berlari menuju jasad ify yang tergeletak lemas. Rio mengguncangkan tubuh ify, berharap ify bangun dan memelu rio "Ifyy,, bangun fyy, bangunnn"

Tak lama kemudian rio merasakan pusing yang teramat sangat, rio merasakan hidungnya dialiri oleh darah segar. Matanya perlahan tak dapat melihat apa apa dan kemudian gelap.

Rio melihat ify tersenyum padanya mengajak rio menuju suatu keabadian. Rio memegang tangannya, rio ikut dengan ify menuju surga.

Ify lah cinta pertama dan terakhir Rio. Cinta yg abadi.

--The End --
Source :

PSY – Gentleman

“Gangnam Style” was the first video to hit 1 billion views on YouTube, a milestone it reached last December. Though arguably less catchy, Psy’s followup video “Gentleman,” a unique blend of pounding beats and fart jokes rumored to be an elaborate commercial for Candy Crush Saga, is now also breaking records on YouTube. The video-sharing site announced that “Gentleman” has set the record for the most views ever in a single day with over 38 million hits on April 14 alone, making it one of the biggest online music video launches ever. To put the figures in perspective, “Gentleman” was seen 100 million times in less than 4 days worldwide, a milestone that took “Gangnam Style” nearly two months to achieve.

“Gangnam Style” was the first video to hit 1 billion views on YouTube, a milestone it reached last December. Though arguably less catchy, Psy’s followup video “Gentleman,” a unique blend of pounding beats and fart jokes rumored to be an elaborate commercial for Candy Crush Saga, is now also breaking records on YouTube. The video-sharing site announced that “Gentleman” has set the record for the most views ever in a single day with over 38 million hits on April 14 alone, making it one of the biggest online music video launches ever. To put the figures in perspective, “Gentleman” was seen 100 million times in less than 4 days worldwide, a milestone that took “Gangnam Style” nearly two months to achieve.

“Gentleman” also breaks the previous single-day record set by the now infamous KONY 2012 video in March 2012. The documentary, produced by Invisible Children, hit 31 million views on March 7, 2012.

According to YouTube, “Gentleman” became April’s top rising search on the site almost immediately after it launched, with global results peaking on April 14. It also debuted at number one on YouTube’s music chart, bumping “Gangnam Style” down to second place.

“Gangnam Style” made its YouTube debut on July 15 and knocked Justin Bieber’s “Baby” off of top place in November–a place “Baby” had held since its debut in February 2010. If “Gentleman” keeps going at its current pace, it represents another windfall for Psy. Google’s chief business officer Nikesh Arora revealed on the company’s fourth quarter earnings call that “Gangnam Style” had generated $8 million in revenue on YouTube alone, or an average of 0.65 cents every time someone plays the video. Since the creator of a YouTube video keeps about half of the money, that means Psy and his record company probably earned about $4 million from “Gangnam Style” alone.

Alagamun-lan, weh, wakun, heya, hanun, gon
Alagamun-lan, weh, makun, heya, hanun, gon
Alagamun-lan, ari, gari, hanon, kari, he
Alagamun-lan, we-like, we like party, hey
Ichiba, varriya, is hara moru, mashi sondori, yama, varriya
Yougun, pegi, tur, equa, machen, varriya
Noga, onku, pega, haga, kunge, nande, varriya
Damn girl, you’re so freakin sexy

I-I-I I’m a, I-I-I I’m a
I-I-I I’m a, mother-father-gentleman

I-I-I I’m a, I-I-I I’m a
I-I-I I’m a, mother-father-gentleman

I-I-I I’m a, I-I-I I’m a
I-I-I I’m a, mother-father-gentleman

Alagamun-lan, weh, mikuneya, hana, gon
Alagamun-lan. weh, sikuneya, hana, gon
Alagamun-lan, pali, pali, wasa, nelly, neh
Alagamun-lan, nali, nali, nasa, pali, hee
Ichiba, varaniya, nori, moli, holy, daddy, chunga, ri
Varriya, get feeling, feeling good, brutake
Varriya, gachu, gunya, sorinage, sorinage
Varriya, damn girl, I’mma party, morphine

I-I-I I’m a, I-I-I I’m a
I-I-I I’m a, mother-father-gentleman

I-I-I I’m a, I-I-I I’m a
I-I-I I’m a, mother-father-gentleman

I-I-I I’m a, I-I-I I’m a
I-I-I I’m a, mother-father-gentleman

Gonna make you sweat
Gonna make you wet
You know who I am, west side
Gonna make you sweat
Gonna make you wet
You know who I am, west side

I-I-I I’m a, I-I-I I’m a
I-I-I I’m a, mother-father-gentleman

I-I-I I’m a, I-I-I I’m a
I-I-I I’m a, mother-father-gentleman

I-I-I I’m a, I-I-I I’m a
I-I-I I’m a, mother-father-gentleman
source :

Pengertian Internet Sehat

Pada awalnya jika kita menilik atau membaca apa yang dimksud dengan internet sehat maka kita akan berpikir apakah itu internet sehat. Banyak orang yang beranggapan bahwa internet sehat adalah sebuah statement atau sebuah ungkapan bahwa internet yang sehat dan bebas penyakit. Apakah ini yang anda pikirkan saat pertama kali mendengarkan apakah internert sehat itu. Disini saya sebagai seorang anak muda yang masih mencari jati diri dapat menyimpulakan apakah definisi internet sehat itu sendri dan akan lebih spesifikasi. Entah ini benar atau tidak saya pun tidak begitu yakin karena jika salah maka akan segera saya selaku penulis akan merevisi tulisan ini.
Inilah definisi atau pengenalan apa yang dimaksud dengan internet sehat. Internet sehat dapat kita kategorikan dalam arti sempit dan arti luas. Mari kita telusuri satu persatu. Jika kita artikan secara sempit internet sehat disini memliki sebuah arti dalam pola pandang saya bahwa internet sehat adalah dimana jika kita melakukan aktivitas berselancar di dunia maya atau kita berada di internet entah itu browsing,download, games online ataupun hanya sekadar sosial aktivity.
Dan internet sehat dalam arti sempit dan lebih spesifikasi adalah segala hal yang berkaitan dalam akses mengakses internet yang memilki nilai positif bagi para pengguna internet agar senantiasa memberikan hal yang terbaik bagi diri maupun orang lain, baik dari golongan anak muda atau remaja, siswa maupun siswi, keluarga, saudara. Meski hal ini masih dianggap kurang diperhatikan oleh kita jika sebuah internet bagi kehidupan sangat berperan penting dalam kehidupan entah itu dalam hal terkecil hingga hal yang terbesar pun.
Mungkin hanya ini yang ada dalam benak saya untuk menuliskan semuanya dan hal ini tidak akan berhenti disini dan akan terus berlanjut.

Red (Taylor Swift album)

Red is the fourth studio album by American country pop singer-songwriter Taylor Swift. It was released on October 22, 2012 through Big Machine Records and distributed by Republic Records, as the follow-up to her commercially successful 2010 album Speak Now. It was announced through Swift's live webchat on August 13, 2012, in which she also revealed the album title and album cover. Four promotional singles were released in the month leading up to the album release, three of which debuted inside the top ten of the US Billboard Hot 100. The album features collaborations with producers and guest artists such as Gary Lightbody and Ed Sheeran, and sees Swift experimenting with new musical genres.

The album's lead single, "We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together", was a worldwide commercial success, topping the global iTunes charts and selling 623,000 copies in the first week, becoming Swift's first ever Billboard Hot 100 chart-topper. The second single, "Begin Again", was released on October 1. "I Knew You Were Trouble" was released as the third official single on November 27, 2012, becoming one of Swift's highest charting singles in both the UK and the US. "22" was released as the fourth single from the album. "Everything Has Changed" has been confirmed to be released as the fifth single from the album in the UK and Europe.

Red has been critically acclaimed by music critics, who praised Swift's versatility as a musician and enjoyed her experiments with new music genres. Red sold 1,208,000 copies in its first week in the US, debuting at number one on the Billboard 200 chart, the second-highest debut for a female artist, behind Oops!... I Did It Again by Britney Spears. It has also spent 16 non-consecutive weeks at number one on Billboard's Country Albums chart as of mid-March, 2013. Red became Swift's first chart-topper in the UK, and also topped the album charts in Australia, Canada, Ireland and New Zealand. The album sold 1.89 million copies in its first three weeks, surpassing One Direction's Up All Night as the second biggest-selling album of the year in the US. As of January 2013, the album has sold over 4 million copies in the US and more than 5.4 million copies worldwide.

On August 13, 2012, Swift gave a live webchat to over 72,500 viewers, in which she answered fan questions,[3] previewed the lead single, "We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together", and announced her fourth album's title as Red, as well as its release date.[3][4] Swift also revealed the meaning behind her album's title:

"All the different emotions that are written about on this album are all pretty much about the kind of tumultuous, crazy, insane, intense, semi-toxic relationships that I’ve experienced in the last two years. All those emotions — spanning from intense love, intense frustration, jealousy, confusion, all of that — in my mind, all those emotions are red. You know, there’s nothing in between. There’s nothing beige about any of those feelings."[3]

During the live webchat, she also revealed that she wrote more than 30 songs for the album, which she included 16 of them for the album and expressed that really dysfunctional and toxic relationships can provide a lot of inspiration.[4] Contrary to her previous completely self-written album Speak Now (2010), Swift enlisted the help of several of her favorite songwriters.[5] In an interview with MTV News, the singer revealed that the album "is interesting because each song stands on its own. It's this patchwork quilt of different sounds and different emotions, and I don't think anything on the record sounds like ['We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together']".[6] She also previewed songs from the album on Good Morning America every Monday, beginning on September 24 until October 15.[7] Swift performed on October 22 for the album's release, and the next day, she performed a live concert on the same show.[7] According to the singer she had spent over two years with the recording process, writing and preparation for the album.[8] Sarah Barlow shot the album's cover, which shows Swift's face, particularly her red lipstick.[9] The standard and deluxe versions of the album were released on October 22, 2012 in Italy, New Zealand, the United States, among others.[10][11][12] A karaoke version of the album was also released on February 5, 2013 on the iTunes Store, which includes the instrumental version from all tracks of its standard version.[13]
Source : Wikipedia

Mean Girls 2

Mean Girls 2 is a 2011 American teen comedy television film directed by Melanie Mayron.[1] It is a stand-alone sequel/spin-off to the 2004 film, Mean Girls. The film was released on January 23, 2011 by ABC Family with a DVD release set for February 1, 2011. The film stars Meaghan Jette Martin and features as cast of Jennifer Stone, Maiara Walsh, Nicole Anderson, and Claire Holt. Tim Meadows is the only cast member to return from the original 2004 film.

Tomboy Joanna Mitchell is an 18-year-old high school senior. On her first day at North Shore High School, she encounters a clique, "The Plastics", which consists of "Mandi" Weatherly, Chastity Meyer and Hope Plotkin. Jo also meets "Abby" Hanover. Mandi sees Abby as a rival. Jo develops an attraction to Tyler Adams. Despite Jo's attempts to avoid the Plastics, conflict develops between them and Abby.
When Jo meets Abby's father a successful infomercial entrepreneur, he offers to pay Jo's college tuition in exchange for remaining good friends with Abby. Jo accepts, motivated by her desire to attend university. Jo, Tyler, and Abby become close friends. Jo also learns that Tyler is Mandi's stepbrother. Mandi also escalates her war of pranks.
Jo, Abby and another outcast girl named Quinn start a new clique called the "Anti-Plastics". They enact a series of pranks against Chastity and Hope, and Jo runs against Mandi for Homecoming Court, and their campaign threatens Tyler and Jo's relationship. Jo tries to give back the money Sidney Hanover gave her for her friendship with Abby, which leads to Jo's estrangement from both Abby and Tyler.
Tyler and the other Anti-Plastics try to help prove her innocence with the help of Elliott, a computer hacker. After beating the Plastics in a game of flag football, Mandi and Nick are arrested after images of them planting the money in Jo's shed are found by Elliot and revealed. At the school's Homecoming Dance, Abby and Elliott are elected as king and queen, thanks to Jo dropping out of the competition.